Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Mark Gilbert Explains How SMS Can Be A Marketing Tool to Drive Sales

Mark Gilbert feels that with tens of thousands of dealerships and car lots that are found throughout the country, the competition can be incredibly fierce. It’s vital to leverage any sales advantage that a location can get. This kind of competition means that an excellent dealership will also have to think about getting creative with the way they handle their marketing to drive up sales.

One of the methods that other areas might not have thought of is the use of SMS as a marketing tool. It makes perfect sense if you think about it: everyone is always on their phones these days. So, Mark Gilbert recommends trying to get a leg up on the competition and use mobile users to your advantage. Try these techniques if you have a subscriber list in your hands.

1. Use SMS to boost promos
Got a new promo on your dealership that you’re trying to get traction on? Send out an SMS blast to your subscriber list to let them know. Give them the info: When what, and how long it’ll be on. Make sure to add a link they can click on!

2. Use it for customer support
If you’ve got mobile communication for your customers, then you can also open it up as a customer support method. Mark Gilbert knows the importance of catering to the customers’ needs. They might find it infinitely more convenient to reach your dealership through SMS rather than having to call.

3. Prompt during the holidays
During the holiday seasons, people get a little looser with their budgets. They might be more willing to spend a little in celebration, or as a gift for someone. So make sure you stay on their mind by sending out a holiday greeting or promo through SMS. Mark Gilbert believes that a little bit of creative marketing can go a long way. And with mobile usage rapidly rising, this is one of the most innovative ways to boost your sales.