Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Mark Gilbert Observes Dealership Need for Compliance Officers

Mark Gilbert joins other trainers and automotive dealership stakeholders in acknowledging that one main issue in the industry is the lack of competent employees like service technicians and compliance officers. According to some, these two positions are most vital to the field.

The National Automobile Dealership Association estimates that out of all the showrooms and groups nationwide, only 14 compliance officers are accounted for in the organization. Supposedly, most dealerships are using outsourced personnel for the post, which some think tanks warn against. In addition, the post is not actually a required position to fill, so most in dealership managements just let it be.

Supposedly, having an in-house compliance officer has more advantages than downsides. According to Mark Gilbert, one main reason to retain an officer in the position is they are the most knowledgeable when it comes to rules and regulations. They can serve as regular liaisons between the company and the local agencies.

Experts also agree that with someone knowing the ins and outs of bureaucracy, a compliance officer is versatile enough to step into other roles when needed.

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